Can you help us trace relatives of WWI servicemen?

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Tracing relatives

To help with our work, we’re trying to find relatives of the servicemen listed below.

We’re required to try and track down relatives of people buried in the cemetery whose headstones we would like to restore. This is so we can ask their permission for the work to go ahead.

After we’ve exhausted efforts to find relatives, we can then restore their headstones.

If one of your relatives is on the list below, we would be grateful if you would get in touch, as we would like the share information with you about your relative.

ALBORN, Walter Cecil HMS Black Prince. His headstone mentions that he was killed at Jutland.

AYSCOUGH, Charles Embrough. 2nd Lincolns, “Missing in France”

BAINES, Private Walter, Lincolnshire Regiment

BAKER, Squadron Quarter – Master Sgt. Harry. A Boer War soldier.

BARLOW, William Clarke, Sapper. Royal Engineers. Died October 29th, 1916.

BARNARD, Hugh Roland. 5th Lincolns. “Fell in action October 13th, 1915”€ at the Hohenzollern Redoubt.

BEAL, Tom Harry. 2nd Lincolns. “Missing July 1st 1916”

BELTON, Robert William Australian Infantry, “Fell in action in Gallipoli.”

BOWER, Wilfred Basil, Royal Scots, “Who died of wounds in France.”

BRADSHAW, Charles. Army Service Corps. “At rest in Dueville Cemetery, Italy, for his country”

BRAILSFORD, Jack. Royal Scots. “Killed in action.”

COLLITT, Private Uriah. Private Collett died on 9.3.1919

DALTON, Private Witton Kenworthy. Australian Infantry 30th

FOWLER, Frank R.G.A. “Who Died on Active Service in France.”

HAGGETT, Cpl. Frank William, Machine Gun Corps.

HEWITT, Archibald Frank. New Zealand Rifle Brigade. “Who fell in action at Albert.”

HILL, William Oswyn. Honourable Artillery Company. “Missing at Bullecourt”

HINCH, Frederick Charles. R.F.A. “Killed in Action.”

HUDSON, Private Cyril, Sherwood Rangers. Died on 23. 11.1917

INGLE, George Robert 1st Lincolns. “Buried in Shelter Wood at the Battle of the Somme.”

JOHNSON, Private Tom Wilson. 1st Lincolns

KETTLES, Rifleman Edward.

KIRK, Robert. 2nd Lincolns. “Killed in action.”

LEEMAN, Private Arthur. 2nd Lincolns. “Killed in action.”

MARSHALL, Lance Cpl. David M. D.C.M., King’s Royal Rifles, “Killed in action.”

MARSHALL Lt. George Leonard. 2nd Lincolns. “Who died of wounds after the Battle of Loos.”

MILLS, Lance Cpl. Charles Henry. 6th Lincolns. “Killed in action.”

MOULD, Thomas William. 5th Lincolns. “Who was killed in France.”

PARKIN, William Frank. Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders. “Killed in action.”

PLATTS, Capt. Arthur Leslie. 3rd Battalion Suffolk Regiment.

RICHARDS, Frank 1st Lincolns, “Died in action in Flanders Fields.”

ROBINSON, George. H. M. R.E. “Who gave his life at Damascus.”

SEARLE, Private James Percy. Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders. “Killed in action at Arras.”

SMITH. Private Joseph Herman.  Sherwood Foresters

STANILAND, Joseph. 6th Lincolns. “Who died of wounds received, in France.”

STOCKS, Private Richard. Labour Corps.

STUBBS, Gunner Peter. Royal Artillery. 128 Field Regiment, killed in action on the 23rd October 1942.

TAYLOR, George Edward. 5th Lincolns. “Killed in action in France Oct 13th 1915.

WESTERN, Private James Edward. 7th Norfolk Regiment. “Killed in action in France.”

WRIGHT, Private John Samuel. 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers. “Fell in action in France.”