Royal Flying Corps – 33 Squadron Servicemen buried in the General Cemetery

Peter Bradshaw’s extensive research into the stories of these RFC Airmen from 33 Squadron, and the restoration work completed by the Co-op has meant that these graves and headstones are now fully retored. All of these graves are recognised by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

We held two ceremonies to commemorate this work and remember the four men who gave their lives. The work was completed, and the second ceremony was held in 2012.

The four servicemen are:

Lt. John Brophy. Killed while flying on duty at Kirton Lindsey on Dec 24th, 1916. He was 23 years old.

Lt. James Menzies. Killed in action during an air raid on Sept 24th, 1917. He was 21 years old.

2nd Lt. Carey Pinnock. Killed while flying on 30th November 1917. He was 20 years old.

Lt. Frank Benitz. Killed in action during an air raid on Aug 5th, 1918. He was 25 years old.

Peter Bradshaw has produced a booklet about the airmen, which gives information about each servicemen and shows the headstones before and after they were restored. The booklet can be downloaded from our Publications page.

We were privileged to have Officer Commanding C Flight of present day 33 Squadron, Squadron Leader Stewart Staudinger, attend the ceremony.