Private John (Jack) Samuel Wright. 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers

Private Wright was killed in action 2nd September 1918, age 26.

Private Wright was an entertainer before he enlisted and gave benefit concerts.

He tried to join the Army several times, and finally did so in September 1915.

In December 1917, he was wounded. He recovered from his injuries and was transferred to the Lancashire Fusiliers regiment. He was badly wounded, a second time, and died shortly afterwards.

Sadly his grave didn’t survive the War. He is remembered on two Rolls of Honour: the Constitutional Club and St. Michael’s Church.

Before the War Jack Wright was a member of Catlin’s Troupe of Pierrots. This photograph which we’ve been kindly allowed to reproduce courtesy of, shows a troupe of Pierrots.

If you look at the photo of the restored headstone, there are curtains at the top of each corner. Possibly a memorial to his profession.

Private John (Jack) Wright
Private John (Jack) Wright
Private John (Jack) Samuel Wright's headstone before restoration
Private John (Jack) Samuel Wright’s headstone before restoration
Private John (Jack) Samuel Wright's headstone after restoration
Private John (Jack) Samuel Wright’s headstone after restoration