Private Albert Allen Crompton was awarded the Military Medal for bravery. He was invalided out of the army and was awarded a Silver War Badge on 27th March 1917.
He survived the war and died
Gainsborough News 6.4.17 MILITARY MEDAL PRESENTATION AT GAINSBOROUGH Private A. CROMPTON, Notts and Derby.
On Tuesday Lieut.-Col. Phelps presented the Military Medal to Private A. Crompton, of the 11th Notts and Derbys.
Prior to the enlistment Private Crompton was a labourer at the Gainsborough Britannia Works. As the result of wounds he is unable to work, as he has no use in one arm and very little in the other.
The presentation took place from the steps of the Town Hall, at noon, in the presence of a large crowd. Among those present were members of the Magistracy, the Urban and Rural Councils, and other public bodies, also detachments of the Flying Corps and National Defence Corps, under the command of Lieut. Roberts.
It was only a short time ago that he had the privilege of presiding at the presentation of the D.C.M. to the widow and little son of Private F. Thompson of the 1st Cheshire Regiment, and now they were honouring in their midst a hero belonging to an equally famous Battalion.
Col. Phelps had come down specially to present the Military Medal and he was sure they would all agree that Private Crompton was deserving of that great honour. He had lost two brothers in the present war and had another serving, so his family, like many another in Gainsborough, had done nobly.
Over 3,000 lads had enlisted from the town, many of whom they would never see again, but he trusted the time was not far distant when they would welcome home those who had gone forth to do their duty in their country’s cause. (Applause).
Lieut.-Col. Phelps, who was warmly received, said he had been deputed to visit the town for the purpose of presenting the medal to Pte. Crompton. He had bestowed several similar honours in various places recently, but he was particularly pleased to give such an honour to a man who had earned it whilst serving with the Notts and Derbys, a Regiment with which he was intimately acquainted.
It was interesting at the present time to recall that the Notts and Derbys were on board the “Birkenhead,” and their bravery long years ago had now been called to mind by the equally brave conduct of the Middlesex Regiment on board the “Tyndarous.”
Private Crompton had earned the medal by sheer merit, not in one conspicuously gallant deed, but by a series of brave actions in keeping open the lines of communication and bombing.
Anyone who had been in action at the front knew how essentially important the duty of keeping open lines of communication was, and he need scarcely tell them how hazardous were the risks incurred by members of bombing parties; they were known out there as the “Suicide Club.”
He congratulated Pte. Crompton on earning this well-merited honour and had the greatest possible pleasure in bestowing it upon him.
Col. Phelps pinned the medal on Private Crompton’s breast amidst cheers. After Private Crompton had suitably returned thanks, Lieut. Roberts (Royal Defence Corps.) said as an old soldier and as representing a Corps of old soldiers, and also on behalf of that distinguished Corps-the Royal Flying Corps–he heartily congratulated Pte. Crompton for so well meriting this distinguished honour.
They were pleased to know that the Army of today was worthy of all the best traditions of the British Army for years past. Major Marshall proposed a vote of thanks to Lieut. Phelps for coming down to present the medal.
He was glad to think
He knew Private Crompton’s family well and they were good fellows. He had one in his old Battalion, 5th Lincolns, so he spoke from personal knowledge. On behalf of the townspeople and those present, he thanked Lieut.-Col. Phelps for his attendance that day. The proceedings closed with the singing of the National Anthem.